Monday, August 18, 2008

Looking forward...

So, now that summer is almost at an end, I'm about to enter the busy season. Fall is almost here, and that means Halloween (when I try my darndest to get my Martha Stewart on, and realize that I'm just not that good), Thanksgiving, and lots and lots of jewelry. The path to the craft table is almost complete, and I've mailed in my application for the Kingston Country Fair this October, which will be a new venue for me. I'm excited about it, IF I get accepted. Kingston is a great little town, and everything they do of this nature, they tend to do well. I like the idea of participating in something local. Granted, the shows and fairs I've been in in Knoxville were also local, but Knoxville is so much bigger, it feels less personal somehow. I'm excited to be sharing my work with friends and neighbors. So much fun stuff coming up soon!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Moving on..

The whole month of July has come and gone with nary a peep from me. Not to say that there hasn't been plenty going on, because there has been plenty, just not of the arty-crafty nature. July was a rough month. I'm looking forward to looking back, as one song says. And I'm still not finished moving into the new house. Getting there, but not yet.
And speaking of moving, lately I've been totally obsessed with this blog, (what with having to decorate a new house and all) for all it's fun and excellent interior-design-ness. Yummy good times, indeed. I'm especially inspired by everything wood, whether natural or faux-bois. I'm even thinking about trying to incorporate that into future jewelry designs. I've always loved the woods, and trees, tree branches, and the like have long been a major source of inspiration, so I guess adding anything woodgrain to that list is a natural. Not 100% sure how this new obsession will play out, jewelry-wise, but it should be lots of fun to see what I can come up with.
Now, if I could just get done clearing a path to my worktable.....
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