Thursday, November 20, 2008

6 weeks!

Somehow it managed to completely escape my notice that Christmas is only a few weeks away. In fact, Thanksgiving is NEXT WEEK! Geez!

Naturally, I haven't even begun my Christmas shopping, but I've hit on a plan that I really like, and in light of the whole economic crisis thing, seems appropriate - This year, family and friends will be getting baskets of homemade goodies: baked and canned goods, scarves and hats, jewelry, soaps, christmas ornaments, candles, etc. All items that are both lovely and practical; and, I hope, thoughtful because they will have been made by me or someone I know. This also gives me a great excuse to buy lots more craft supplies, and that's never a bad thing!

Here's one project I saw on Martha Stewart that I'm thinking about trying - felt slippers! They look so cozy.

Full instructions can be found here. I can think of all sorts of fun variations and felting that could be done to make these a very unique gift. Plus, I've got TONS of felt laying around (I always seem to be buying it for one reason or another, and then never using it. But really, who can resist 25 cents?)
Also high up there on the list is homemade pesto. I'm totally ripping this idea off of a dear friend of mine, but I'm sure she'll forgive me. And, jumping on the waste-not waggon, I'll also be making pumpkin butter and using up all those gorgeous gourds I've not been able to resist buying. Ok, so I might have to suplement with a can or two of Libby's, but then, I might not. I really did buy a lot of pumpkins this year.
Now, I just have to find a way to work, keep up with the house, husband and cats, AND all the other holiday baking I always do, AND the Holiday Market sale, and then somehow find time to make all this stuff. Hey Starbucks - I think your sales may go up this quarter!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Etsy will be the death of me.

I mean that in the nicest possible way. Oh, the gorgeous gems I've scored recently! I've discovered a new stone to drool over - chrysocolla. Love love love. I just got some absolutely gorgeous gem grade brios and onions. I added them to the growing pile of incredible stones I've purchased lately - including tundra garnet, hessionite garnet, prasiolite, MEXICAN FREAKING FIRE OPAL, turquoise, moss aquamarine, ametrine, andalusite, kyanite, smoky quartz, lapis, and the most AMAZING green fluorite twist brios EVER. Oh yes, my budget is waaaaaay blown, but I can't stop. I literally have to force myself NOT to even look at Etsy because if I do, I will buy something. I can't help myself. It just happens. Crap - it just happened again. MORE chrysocolla, because I can't say no to the stuff, and some labradorite and pink peruvian opal. >sigh<
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