Sunday, June 6, 2010

farm life

So I just looked at my blog and realized that my last post was in April, and this is freakin' JUNE already. And it's not like I can use pregnancy as an excuse, because the truth is that I've felt pretty awesome this time around. Which is nice for a change. No, I don't miss puking my brains out. Thanks.

Of course, all that means that I'm actually able to get out and DO stuff again, like work in my garden, which is lookin' totally sweet right now, if I do say so myself (which I do, so there.). Only problem is there's these pesky green caterpillars raining death and destruction on my greens. Collards - gone. Turnips - nothing but stems. Now they've moved on to my kale, and I'm not too happy about it. I'm trying to do this garden all organic-like and stuff, but I'm really not sure what to do about these caterpillars. So far I've just been pulling them off by hand and feeding them to the chickens. Fun times.
Speaking of the chickens, we should start getting some eggs here soon. I can't wait to cook my first saturday breakfast using our very own eggs. Awesomeness. I also got me some fancy new chickens that lay blue eggs (or will, when they get big enough). Call me a dork, but I find that totally exciting.

So, life on the farm is good. We're slowly trying to accumulate more understanding about things we all should know already, like how to grow our own vegetables, and how to be less consumer-driven. Hopefully all of this will be a big help when I quit work in the fall, because we're gonna have to start cutting back on our spending in a major way. Self-imposed "poverty." Yeah, baby, yeah!
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