So, last month I mentioned how one of my goals for the near future was to conquer baking my own bread. I tried bread baking once, when I was about 13, with some help from dear ol' Mom. I don't know if I did something wrong, or if it just wasn't time yet, but what came out of the oven was not the fluffy deliciousness I was hoping for. It was more akin to a brick that a Pharaoh could be proud of. And since (even at 13) I believed that if I couldn't bake it, it just couldn't be baked, I turned my back on bread for 17 years. You know, until I had a 10 month old baby and another one on the way and the attention span of a toddler with ADD. I'm a genius like that.
I got inspired to try bread again after reading another friend's post about baking her own; and, in light of my whole quest to make delicious food on my own instead of buying crap at the grocery store, this was kind of a natural progression, dontcha think? It also didn't hurt that my wonderful husband bought me a KitchenAid for Christmas a few years ago. There is now no dough that could frighten me. I think.
Anyhow, I decided to tackle this amazing-sounding light wheat bread recipe. It sounds so very simple, what could go wrong?
Truthfully - the first loaf didn't turn out all that bad. It was still VERY heavy.. kinda chewy and dense and nothing at all like the recipe promised. But it was tasty, and I am still crazy optimistic, and determined (when I want to be). So, I gave it another go the following week. And it was better, really it was. (I'm still not passing the windowpane test; but frankly, I think that's just an urban legend) But it still wasn't right. So, right after I got done making the first batch of dough, I hopped on the internet and researched mixing bread dough in a KitchenAid mixer, and found out that, duh, you don't add all the flour at once. And this time, THIS TIME!!!! I got it right! a fluffy delicious loaf of bready goodness! Take that, 13-year-old me!

The loaf on the left is my second attempt. Still a lil bit funny looking.. though it was AMAZING for breakfast with some blueberry preserves smeared on top, if I do say so myself (and I do).
The one on the right.. that, my friends, is my first-ever successful loaf of bread. Nothing can stop me now!!!
Truth be told, there are still a few adjustments to make... I think it could still be a wee bit fluffier, and when it's sliced you can still see where it was rolled up before being put in the pan for the final round of proofing, but these are minor details. The point is, I'll never buy sandwich bread again. For realz.
Speaking of... here's another thing we'll never have to buy again:

Yep, that's right. The ladies have started laying. Now we just have to figure out what to do with 19 eggs a day. Especially considering that I've not been a fan of eggs this pregnancy. I guess this means I need to bake a lot. Err.. a LOT. Seriously. Anybody need some eggs?
P.S. I almost forgot: meet the newest additions to the farm! We got ourselves 7 muscovy ducks (yes, they're the kind we used to call 'ugly ducks' in Florida, but they're bigger and meaner than your average duck, and we're hoping the dogs will think twice) and a goose named Bill. I'm starting to think that Bill might be a girl.

And, just because: