Holy where has the time gone, Batman! It's been forever since I posted anything! Well, maybe not really forever, but a good solid couple of months. Maezie turns 3 months old in a few days, Punkin's FIFTEEN freakin' months old, and I'm 3 months into being a stay at home mommy of 2. It's been crazy busy, but I am LOVING it. For realz.
It's still a wee bit hard for me to wrap my brain around the fact that I don't have to go to work. Sometimes I start to get stressed out because I didn't get all the dishes washed, and then I realize - but wait, I'll be home tomorrow, too. I have time. I can't even begin to tell you how crazy that is.
Maezie is just about the cutest little thing in town. Her cheeks are unstoppable. Seriously. See for yourself:

Plus, she just looks awesome in a Santa suit!
I have found it immensely enjoyable discovering just how different she is from her older sister (except for their sleeping habits. My little champ started sleeping thru the night at about 6 weeks, just like her sissy!). For starters, she loves to be on her tummy. She will NOT sleep on her back - Forget it. Won't happen- whereas Punkin hated being on her stomach. It's cool with me though, Maezie won't have a bald spot or "flat head". Punkin had no time for toys until she was about 9 months old. She didn't play with things at all. She just wanted to be looking at everything. Maezie, on the other hand, loves toys. She's already reaching for things and playing with stuff. So cute. She has also started rolling over already. She actually started a few weeks ago. I couldn't believe it. She's an over-achiever or something. I wouldn't call her an introvert, but she's maybe not quite the social butterfly her sister is. I'm okay with that. I can't wait to see what she becomes, and how her personality unfolds. Also - I'm pretty sure that she's going to have some shade of red hair (score!). Her eyelashes are the prettiest red-gold, and girl's freakin' PASTY. Thanks for that, Uncle John!
Punkin just won't stop growing. It's driving me nuts. She got her first haircut a week or two ago - but only because she got this massive dreadlock right in front of her face and I could not get it out. I wanted to cry. But the bangs look pretty darn cute, and my girl can rock some pigtails like nobodies business. She has also started giving kisses and hugs. I swoon a little when I think about it. She's not talking yet except to say "DOH!" (no) at the kitten when she does something she's not supposed to. She even holds up a little imperious finger and shakes her head as she says it. Yep, that's right. My daughter's first actual word that she uses with regularity and in the proper context is "no". This does not bode well for the future.
She's also excellent with her non-verbal communication skills (been listening to Davey's workspeak too long, I'm picking up phrases like "non-verbal communication skills"!). She can get just about anything she needs to across with that pointy little finger and a few head shakes. Still, I can't wait til she starts talking for real. Here she is looking totally adorable helping Mommy and Daddy decorate the Christmas tree:

This was pre-haircut, of course. I don't have a picture of her pigtails uploaded yet. I'm not sure the internet can handle the cuteness. It might implode.
Speaking of cuteness - Punkin and I made valentines today for her daddy and her grammy and papaw. She hasn't quite got the hang of the whole crayon thing yet (although she has now decided that they are not for eating), but she did manage to make a few little scribbles that the recipients seem to think were the most elegant caligraphy they've ever seen. No, she's not spoiled or anything. Daddy got both girls a rose and some candy (he still hasn't figured out the age-appropriate gift thing). So sweet. We had a great semi-romantic dinner (only semi because I was feeding Punkin in the highchair and Maezie was squalling because no one would hold her all the time) of steak and shark. (Which oddly enough reminds me of a fishy porkchop. It was interesting.) I use parintheses too much. (seriously)
I'm going to try to do better about posting. Really I am. I mean, I should have the time now, right? Plus, I really want to have some sort of a record of these precious days with my girls. I can't even begin to say how thankful I am to be able to stay home with them. It's been the most amazing couple of months. God has provided for us, and then some. It's a really awesome thing.