First off, I gotta tell everyone - I'm kinda freakin' out over this non-winter we've had. It's February 29th, and I'm wearing my chacos to church tonight. Please understand, I love my chacos, but this winter that never was is so uncool. Literally. Ha. On the one hand, I keep thinking that if it's this warm in February, what's it going to be like in August? But yay! I love these temps right now! Let's get the garden going EARLY!! And then on the other hand, I'm thinking Oh CRAP, how hot is it going to be in August? and will we get the mother of all blizzards here in a month or two?
Seriously. This crazy weather is wearing me out. But on to other news.
Cool things are happening around here, ya'll. This month, we start a new partnership with our church, where we'll be teaching the teenagers how to garden and can and farm and make things for themselves, so that they can go out and teach people how to garden and can and farm and all that good stuff. I'm so excited about this, because it is everything Davey and I have been hoping to be able to do. We'll be starting a community garden at the church, and also using the extra produce grown here at the farm to help feed people who are hungry, but even more exciting than that, we'll be going right to where they live, and setting up gardens for them to grow food for themselves. Our chicken coop is slated to be repaired and electrified this month so we'll have eggs to add to the vegetables, and we'll be getting our first rabbits! Add to that my plans to start FINALLY selling crafty goods again, and a possible job at the Mayfield farm for the summer, and it looks like things are about to get crazy awesome around here.