Just a quick post, since it's been so long!
Vacation was absolutely incredible, and I wish I was still there. I did manage to score some pretty sweet bead and shell finds, but have I taken pictures? Oh, no! In fact, I haven't really had time to make anything. I haven't even finished unpacking yet. Why, you ask? Well, that's because shortly after we got back from Florida, we found a house we love and decided that we're moving at the end of the month. We Lewises don't waste time. So, I've been so totally wrapped up in the moving adventure that I haven't had a moment (or a dime!) to spare for jewelry and other crafty pursuits. The great, GREAT news is that the new house has a spare bedroom with my name on it! Hell-oooooo craft room! It will be a few weeks til I can get settled in and back to making jewelry. In the meantime, here's a gratuitous sunset shot from vacation!
Oh, and I made my very first Etsy sale! Yippee!!!!
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