Snow snow snow! The Florida girl in me still gets all worked up when there's snow on the ground. I don't think it will ever lose it's magic for me. And what a great view to enjoy with my morning coffee!
So this past weekend I was getting myself all worked up to start painting one of the 3 bathrooms in the new house, so I could finally hang some towel bars and what not(not to mention cover up that disgusting wallpaper). Naturally that meant that Saturday morning I would wake up with the mother of all migraines. And migraines and oil-based primer do nooooot mix. I blame it on staying up too late to watch the slooooooooow opening ceremonies in Vancouver (though I admit I liked the whole punk celtic fiddler thing. FUN.) Anyhoo, I ended up spending pretty much the whole weekend camped out on the couch, watching the olympics and working on crafty things. So, not a bad weekend after all. In fact, pretty flippin' sweet.
First, I did some work on a pile of hat orders I've gotten in the last few weeks. Managed to get 3 of 5 completed before my poor wrist gave out on me. Some of these hats weren't as enjoyable to make as others because I didn't pick out the yarn, and well, I think they're just ugly. But then I'm not the one who has to wear them. Here's one I actually like:

Pretty sweet.
I also finally got the mobile made for Punkin's room, 3 months or so late. I got the pattern for the birdies on design*sponge, one of my fave websites, ages and ages ago. Probably the best fun of this project was foraging in my woods (I have woods!)for the branches to perch the birdies on. It took me forever to the the whole thing balanced just right, but I'm pretty pleased with the way it turned out:

Isn't it cute? I got the fabric on Etsy, and someday, someday, there will be a quilt and other things to match. In the meantime I feel like it was a huge accomplishment just to get this done.
First of all, that bird mobile is flipping amazing. I'm hardcore obsessed with birds and trees and as soon as I'm in a real house and not a craptastic rental one, I definitely want to make Nutella Butterfinger a cool mobile like that.
Also, your hats are awesome. I taught myself how to knit, but can't figure out knitting in the round to save my life so for now I just make dish cloths and scarfs. Not too impressive.
allison -
Thank you!
I'm crazy obsessed with birds and trees, too. There's little birdie details all over Punkin's room, and soon I'm hoping to paint a "growing tree" on one of her walls so she can mark how much she's grown every year. Someday when I have time...
I can't knit worth a flip either. The hats are crochet, which I find so much easier because you only have to be coordinated with one hand. Also, I've been crocheting for a long time so I don't have to use a pattern. But some day, I intend to master knitting, too. Yeah. I'll let you know how that works out.
I say "some day" a lot.
whoah - i love the hat and especially the bird mobile!! fabulous! i just checked out that site - so many fun DIY ideas, i might have to attempt the birds myself!
im making something for punkin - but it might take a bit of time. i need to order a couple supplies :)
miss you guys!
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