Thursday, October 28, 2010

and the madness continues..

Just a quick update to my previous post, I present further evidence that I have, indeed, lost my mind: Tuesday night, we adopted a puppy. He's an adorable little basset hound mix named Rufus. Supposedly he's going to be Davey's dog, but already when I mention that Davey needs to be the one to take him out to potty, feed him, etc, I'm getting the "He's your dog, too!" response. I really should have known better. I can only try and comfort myself with the knowledge that in a few days (as soon as I can get a collar that he won't slip his wee head out of), Rufus is going to be an outside dog. Then, no more cleaning up puppy poos and piddles. I'll be too busy cleaning up poos and piddles of the baby variety. My only concern with this plan is that Rufus is afraid of everything. The porch. The front door. His food and water bowls. A less-than-1-pound kitten. I'm hoping that once he has some time to adjust and bond to us he'll get over some of these fears, because he was an outside dog when we got him, so really, he ought to be able to handle it. But then what do I know? I'm crazy.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

3 weeks, 4 days..

.. and counting.

That's the maximum amount of time remaining before girly # 2 makes her grand entry into the world. ( I know this is the MAX amount of time because I sooooo scheduled an induction this time around. I know it's not all natural and blah blah blah, but I'm not going to be in the hospital for Thanksgiving, dammit!) Whew. Anyhow. You'd think that with the clock ticking and time running short I'd be just about putting the finishing touches on the nursery, lovingly staring at wee baby socks and newborn-sized clothes. And you'd be WRONG. This time around my nesting impulses are on misfire. I have made about a dozen adorable baby hats, and some booties, and started organizing all my crafting supplies. Oh, and I got some new furniture for Punkin's room, which I totally redid and got looking all neat and orderly again (seriously, friends and family, no more baby clothes!! NO MORE!). But Maezie's room? Well.... Davey put the crib up on Friday, so I guess that's a start. And my dad is painting it for me this week. And we moved the twin guest bed into the master bedroom and smooshed it up next to our queen to make one giant-sized bed (Can you say "awesome"? Yeah you can).
I keep having this recurring dream where I go into labor and my suitcase isn't packed. Sometimes I'm at home screaming at Davey not to forget the boppy, others I'm at work, screaming on the phone to poor Davey not to forget the boppy, or I'm driving home from work (the hospital is 5 minutes from my office, and 1 hour from my house, for perspective) so I can pack my suitcase, because I'm not forgetting that damn boppy! As you can see, the insanity is on overdrive 'round here. And the stupid suitcase isn't packed. I keep thinking I'll get to it, but there are dishes to wash and birthday parties to plan and Halloween decorations to put up. I bring the madness on myself.
Speaking of Halloween- we took Punkin to Boo @ the Zoo on Friday night. It. was. awesome. Crowded, but awesome. Adorable kids in costumes (Punkin went as, what else?! a pumpkin), free candy, the zoo. What could be better? I got to wear my jack-o-lantern t-shirt that makes me look like the Great Pumpkin. Yes, I'll post pictures.
So. Maybe tonight I'll get around to packing that suitcase. Or just bake some cookies for the Halloween party instead...
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