Thursday, November 20, 2008

6 weeks!

Somehow it managed to completely escape my notice that Christmas is only a few weeks away. In fact, Thanksgiving is NEXT WEEK! Geez!

Naturally, I haven't even begun my Christmas shopping, but I've hit on a plan that I really like, and in light of the whole economic crisis thing, seems appropriate - This year, family and friends will be getting baskets of homemade goodies: baked and canned goods, scarves and hats, jewelry, soaps, christmas ornaments, candles, etc. All items that are both lovely and practical; and, I hope, thoughtful because they will have been made by me or someone I know. This also gives me a great excuse to buy lots more craft supplies, and that's never a bad thing!

Here's one project I saw on Martha Stewart that I'm thinking about trying - felt slippers! They look so cozy.

Full instructions can be found here. I can think of all sorts of fun variations and felting that could be done to make these a very unique gift. Plus, I've got TONS of felt laying around (I always seem to be buying it for one reason or another, and then never using it. But really, who can resist 25 cents?)
Also high up there on the list is homemade pesto. I'm totally ripping this idea off of a dear friend of mine, but I'm sure she'll forgive me. And, jumping on the waste-not waggon, I'll also be making pumpkin butter and using up all those gorgeous gourds I've not been able to resist buying. Ok, so I might have to suplement with a can or two of Libby's, but then, I might not. I really did buy a lot of pumpkins this year.
Now, I just have to find a way to work, keep up with the house, husband and cats, AND all the other holiday baking I always do, AND the Holiday Market sale, and then somehow find time to make all this stuff. Hey Starbucks - I think your sales may go up this quarter!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Etsy will be the death of me.

I mean that in the nicest possible way. Oh, the gorgeous gems I've scored recently! I've discovered a new stone to drool over - chrysocolla. Love love love. I just got some absolutely gorgeous gem grade brios and onions. I added them to the growing pile of incredible stones I've purchased lately - including tundra garnet, hessionite garnet, prasiolite, MEXICAN FREAKING FIRE OPAL, turquoise, moss aquamarine, ametrine, andalusite, kyanite, smoky quartz, lapis, and the most AMAZING green fluorite twist brios EVER. Oh yes, my budget is waaaaaay blown, but I can't stop. I literally have to force myself NOT to even look at Etsy because if I do, I will buy something. I can't help myself. It just happens. Crap - it just happened again. MORE chrysocolla, because I can't say no to the stuff, and some labradorite and pink peruvian opal. >sigh<

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I make hippie jewelry.

Just got done this past weekend with the Kingston Country Fair, and whew! what a busy time that was! We did fairly well, and generated a lot of interest, but boy howdy am I tired.
I've also made a rather shocking discovery: only hippies like my jewelry. I really thought I'd grown beyond the whole hippie moment I had circa 1997. I mean, really. But it seems that the people who are really attracted to what I make are crystal totin', incense burnin', free lovin' hippies. What's a girl to do? Maybe I should move to Asheville and make hemp necklaces again.
Seriously, though. I've been trying out some super cute new stuff. Including a pair of tourmaline earrings that I just LOVE. I might have to keep them for me. Pictures coming soon.....

Monday, August 18, 2008

Looking forward...

So, now that summer is almost at an end, I'm about to enter the busy season. Fall is almost here, and that means Halloween (when I try my darndest to get my Martha Stewart on, and realize that I'm just not that good), Thanksgiving, and lots and lots of jewelry. The path to the craft table is almost complete, and I've mailed in my application for the Kingston Country Fair this October, which will be a new venue for me. I'm excited about it, IF I get accepted. Kingston is a great little town, and everything they do of this nature, they tend to do well. I like the idea of participating in something local. Granted, the shows and fairs I've been in in Knoxville were also local, but Knoxville is so much bigger, it feels less personal somehow. I'm excited to be sharing my work with friends and neighbors. So much fun stuff coming up soon!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Moving on..

The whole month of July has come and gone with nary a peep from me. Not to say that there hasn't been plenty going on, because there has been plenty, just not of the arty-crafty nature. July was a rough month. I'm looking forward to looking back, as one song says. And I'm still not finished moving into the new house. Getting there, but not yet.
And speaking of moving, lately I've been totally obsessed with this blog, (what with having to decorate a new house and all) for all it's fun and excellent interior-design-ness. Yummy good times, indeed. I'm especially inspired by everything wood, whether natural or faux-bois. I'm even thinking about trying to incorporate that into future jewelry designs. I've always loved the woods, and trees, tree branches, and the like have long been a major source of inspiration, so I guess adding anything woodgrain to that list is a natural. Not 100% sure how this new obsession will play out, jewelry-wise, but it should be lots of fun to see what I can come up with.
Now, if I could just get done clearing a path to my worktable.....

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Excessive use of exclamation points!

Just a quick post, since it's been so long!

Vacation was absolutely incredible, and I wish I was still there. I did manage to score some pretty sweet bead and shell finds, but have I taken pictures? Oh, no! In fact, I haven't really had time to make anything. I haven't even finished unpacking yet. Why, you ask? Well, that's because shortly after we got back from Florida, we found a house we love and decided that we're moving at the end of the month. We Lewises don't waste time. So, I've been so totally wrapped up in the moving adventure that I haven't had a moment (or a dime!) to spare for jewelry and other crafty pursuits. The great, GREAT news is that the new house has a spare bedroom with my name on it! Hell-oooooo craft room! It will be a few weeks til I can get settled in and back to making jewelry. In the meantime, here's a gratuitous sunset shot from vacation!
Oh, and I made my very first Etsy sale! Yippee!!!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Now that I have some free time on the internet..

...I'm finding all sorts of fun toys.

Behold - the Etsy Mini!!!

(psssstt.... over here, on the right!)

I'm also gearing up for vacation time to Florida (hooray!) in less than a week. I've been googling bead shops in the area like crazy, trying to figure out where I want to go (and trying to figure out how to convince my husband that we really need to go there.) So, if anybody knows of any good bead shops in the St. Petersburg, FL area, let me know! I'm especially hoping to find some very Florida-ish stuff. Last year I got several strands of tiny shell beads at a shell shop, and I've used them in so much (like the necklace on the right). Definitely must get some more. And anything else I can find that is shell related. Or some of that wonderfully frosty sea glass, or ceramic pendants with little sea creatures on them... oh my! The list goes on and on. I'll probably come back looking like a 'Survivor' castaway wannabe, but whatever. I'll always be a beach girl at heart.

Speaking of ceramic pendants - I've been in love with the ceramic look lately, and thinking and wondering to myself if there isn't a way to imitate the look of ceramic with fimo (since I don't have a kiln and probably shouln't have my accident-prone self near one anyway). I know that I can create lovely organic looking pendants using fimo, but what about a lovely crackly glazed finish? I once made some Christmas beads with a shiny finish of some sort, which promptly peeled right off my beads. No good. I want something that will work and be wearable and at least moderately imitate the look of a ceramic glaze. Crackles would be even better. I'm off to the craft store at lunch to see what I can find, but if anyone has any info to share, let me know!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Now I've gone and done it...

Finally, FINALLY, I've gone and set up an Etsy shop. I feel tingly all over.

Not much there yet, just a few things... I'm finding out that I'm not so quick with the descriptions of each piece... I want them to sound appealing without being over the top (ie: trying to avoid excessive use of adjectives and those always annoying !!!!!s). And then there is this weird, nervous feeling I get whenever I see my work online, like I'm waiting for someone to start throwing rotten cabbages or something. I'm hoping that particular feeling will go away. The tinglies aren't so bad.

Check out the store here!

Monday, April 14, 2008

finally, a picture!!

Ok, so it wasn't quite "pictures tomorrow" as promised, but I do have pictures now. Lots of pictures of all the fun new stuff I've been working on. I've got even more fun new stuff to work on soon.

I had a fun and inspiring weekend. My aunt, the one who really got me started on all this beading craziness was in town this past week, so of course we had to go on a bead shop tour of Knoxville. I found some really awesome stuff, including a deep deep purple chalcedony that just about knocks me off my feet, and a new favorite bead store. For any one who might see this and be in the area - White Fox Bead Studio in Maryville, Tn. For realz. It's the bomb.

Anyway, here's a sampling of my new favorite earring design, so far called labradorite nugget swirlies for lack of a better name. I think they're fun and supercute! Lot's more pictures on Flickr if anyone wants to see.

Also, almost forgot -I got a new book at the flea market on wire art, looks like fun. I'm going to go through it tonight and see what I see....

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

second post!

somehow this isn't nearly as exciting as the first.

I forgot completely about pictures in my quest to find something at Lowes that was affordable and attractive for displaying my jewelry. Hellooooo garden center! I found some really sweet bamboo-ish trellis thingies (technical terminology) that with a little bit of work should be really nice. I hope. I hate that I always put this stuff off til the last minute. I keep telling myself that next time I'm going to be prepared, really I am, and then.. nope. Nada.

Anyway, pictures tomorrow of new jewelry and display and so on and so forth.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

First post!

(cue the fanfare, brass band, balloons, etc.)

Keeping a record of one's crafting obsession is aparently the thing to do. I'm thinking that if I'm blogging about my jewelry, I'll stay more motivated. Here's hoping.

Got a craft show at Java in the Old City on Friday night. Small show in an even smaller space. I'm not expecting to make a whole lot, but it should be fun. Jill will be my crafting partner in crime as usual. Her greeting cards are amazing. She needs to be on Etsy or something. I'm using this Friday's show to test out my new wireworking skillz. Will try to post pictures tomorrow. I'm trying to move in a new direction, always trying to get away from plain ol' 'beads on a string' and into something more. I think I'm finally going in a direction I feel really good about. We shall see if my adoring public agrees. (ha)

In the meantime, I'm woefully unprepared for this thing; need to find some way to display my
jewelry vertically since I won't have the space to lay everything out as usual. Then again, it's about time I got a real honest to gosh display set-up goin' on. Draggin' the hubby to Lowes tonight to see what he can build me. I just love a man with power tools....
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